Matters of Spirit

Spiritual and Esoteric writings in the manner of Light Workers. A sharing of spiritual and self empowerment concepts and philosophies. "My purpose is to endlessly encourage you to do and become whatever makes your heart sing." ~ Shirl

My Photo
Location: Blackfoot, Idaho, United States

I live in rural Idaho with my dear soul family, Kebbie, Layne and Gabe.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


...and as such, you are here to use your light to heal,
transform and transfigure
anything unlike peace, love, harmony and goodwill.

That we all may have
moments of peace
...and more peace.

Rather than impose your will upon conditions of lack, disease or suffering.

...choose instead to think, feel and emote
from an outcome in which
anything unlike what is preferred
simply does not exist.

It cannot exist
in your experience
if you decide to
not entertain it.

In doing so, you create
a Quantum overlay of
preferred possibilities & probable futures.

You are the Light of the World
You do not need
the World's permission
to shine your light
upon the dark.

The light releases you from joining others in
seductive, lower energy vibrations.

Use your light to simply
transform lower energies.

This is how you heal yourself
...and the World.

This is how you create moments of peace
...and more peace still.

Light cannot injure light.
Light is injured by nothing.

Light heals all.

In the midst of shining your light
you are immune to lower energies.

You don't heal people
by getting them to "get it."

You don't heal unwanted situations with people
by "teaching them a lesson."

Just stand in the midst of all that you resist
and instead of letting judgment take you over,
put your entire focus upon the Light.
The Light will prevail.

You don't have to do
anything more than this.

Bringing peace to the World
is what you are here to do.
Just Shine Your Light

You know where your inner
Light switch is...
Turn it on!

You heal and transform
the entire World around you
by turning ON your light!

You don't have to warn the darkness
that you are coming
with the light.

Just Shine Your Light!

You are the Light of the World.

And so it is...

© 2005 Heart Productions & Publishing - Mary Robinson Reynolds
(used by permission)

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Todays Thought:

All of your desires, wants or preferences emanate from you naturally and constantly, for you stand at the Leading Edge of a Universe that makes that so. So, you cannot hold your desires back; the eternal nature of this Universe insists that your desires come forth.

This is the simple basis of this eternally expanding Universe:

Variety causes contemplation
Contemplation produces preference
Preference is asking
Asking is always answered

Regarding your creation of your own life experience, there really is only one important question for you to ask: How can I bring myself into vibrational alignment with the desires that my experience has produced?

And the answer is simple: Pay attention to the way you feel, and deliberately choose thoughts - about everything- that feel good to you when you think them.

~Abraham (through Esther Hicks) the book "Ask and it is Given"

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


[This is copyrighted material, by Shirley White, 2004, Vision of Light, Inc. More than minimal quoting for review purposes is allowed only with specific written permission of the author]

We can allow life to happen to us, or we can actively participate in our lives and live on purpose and with purpose. The vast majority of us allow most of our lives to happen to us. . .we sort of just stumble between one experience and the next without any consideration of setting a course for those experiences and knowing that we have the power to influence and craft our future and now experiences and that we can learn a great deal from the things we have already experienced.

Our lives are ours to mold and design as intricately as we wish, if we participate fully in them. The beginning point of this crafting is to accept responsibility for our actions or lack of action that contribute to everything we experience. In taking that responsibility for everything in our lives, it is important to be very aware that we are not responsible for anyone else*s life or experiences. We can dramatically change ourselves and the course that our life will take, we cannot change anyone else no matter how much we would like to and no matter how hard we try. Everything in our lives is the result of choice. The choices we make will determine to a very great extent what the outcome will be.

What has been most disturbing to me is to see how readily and falsely people in general are willing to accept the victim*s role. And when we do not take personal responsibility for how we think, act, behave and move through our lives, we see ourselves as the victim of forces outside our ability to control or understand.

I have found a very magical tool that has the ability to change everything we experience in our lives. Each of us lives through our perceptions of events and experiences. That perception has been created and molded by our society, our families, our friends and by our choices of what myths and stories to believe about anything. However, we are very powerful and intelligent beings with the ability to change our perception of anything. We always have the ability to look at things from a different point of view. We most often are not willing to do that, and that contributes very much to our seeming inability to change our life situations.

Changing your perception requires the use of another powerful tool and that is ceasing to place blame on others for anything in your life. No one is to blame. Everything that occurs is the result of your personal choice and especially how you choose to view things.

We are so hard on ourselves and most unforgiving about those things that we call mistakes. We equate mistakes with failure. We accept that we have failed

And then we quickly look around to see whom we can blame for that failure. If you are actively doing anything, you will make choices that may bring forth results that are less than hoped for. Many times the results are far less than we hoped for and we jump into despair over our awful mistake. I would like to remove the word *mistake* from our vocabularies. It is really learning. That is what we do when things don*t seem to turn out as we had planned and hoped for. We learn. Or we choose not to learn and we blame. Falling short of the mark is not failure. It is a step towards learning and understanding that we need more information, better timing, greater focus, more determination or a different course of action before we reach the hoped for outcome. The difference between seeing something as a learning experience and a mistake or failure is only how you perceive it. Your perception is the most powerful thing in your life. All of those who have had what are considered very successful lives (and this has nothing to do necessarily with the accumulation of money, position, power or fame) have viewed hardships and apparent set backs as challenges and opportunities. And they are exactly that.

What could be more powerful than to know that if you don*t like something in your life all you have to do is change your perception of it and you can change it?

This society that we live in is so based in negativity it is a wonder any of us survive it happily and in good health. We not only see the obvious negative views of things, we look for an even more negative way to see and experience things. If you don*t think so, give some thought to the amazing numbers of groups whose total purpose for existing is to find some conspiracy in everything imaginable. It seems we must Place blame on the government, on politicians, on corporations, on boards of directors, on groups, on employers, on fellow employees, on friends, on partners and on and on ad nauseam. Someone or some entity is conspiring to do awful things to us and we have no control over it. That seems to be the prevailing thought.

What*s the secret in all of this? You will absolutely find what you are looking for in any circumstance. If you look for negative things, people to blame, conspiracies to conspire against you, you will most certainly find them. What if we began looking for the positive views? Look for how we can change something that we find distasteful. Look for what there is to learn from any given situation. Look for a better or more reasonable way to accomplish something. Take responsibility for your part in any given circumstance. What if we concentrated all that energy and focus on these things? We would literally change the world overnight!

I already hear the negative based thought forms rolling forth: *That is pie in the sky. Unrealistic stuff. This is a harsh, mean and nasty world that others are foisting upon us. We are the victims here.* And I will tell you again you may have it exactly as you choose to see it. It is ALL about your view of the world you are in. Yes, you truthfully look at and see what is happening around you, but you choose to take a brighter more positive and more productive view of things and possible courses of action. That is not pie in the sky, nor is it silly unsupported optimism. It is a choice of how you wish to create your life. And what you most do not wish to hear, know or understand is that YOU are the one that has the power to create the life that you desire.

Then how do we begin to change our perceptions when we are so steeped in the ways that we have been taught and the views held by those around us?

We might just as well begin with the big one. . . Take responsibility for everything in your life. The choices you have made every moment of your life have brought you to this place. No one else is responsible for your life and circumstances but you. This is the concept that usually brings the most resistance, denial and heated discussion of any other. I know it made me pretty angry when I even thought it might be possible at the time I first became aware of this precept. My question immediately was *Why would I choose to have all of this crap and all of these problems and difficult experiences in my life? That is just sick! What a load of BS!* As you can see, I did not go quietly into that good night. It took me a rather long time to come to terms with this. It didn*t have to, but I was very stubbornly resistant to the idea that I was responsible for everything in my life or maybe anything in my life. *What a ridiculous thought!*

All of you, on the other hand, are much brighter and smarter and far less stubborn and resistant than I was. You will find the truth for you within that concept and quickly learn to apply it to your lives. And that is a breathtakingly wonderful view from where I stand.

How do you begin to take responsibility for your life? I started with what was most prominent in my thoughts at the moment. And I asked, *So how could I possibly be responsible for the fact that I have severe arthritis in both of my knees and my lumbar spine?* I didn*t sit down one day and say, *I think as I get to my mid-forties I want all of the cartilage in my knees to be gone and arthritis to form on both knees and might as well throw in the lower back while I am at it.* No, I did not do that. But over the course of my life I made choices that eventually led to that.

First of all, I was conditioned to believe I had a genetic predisposition for osteo arthritis. So I believed it. Next, I led a very active physical life in many sports and as youth will do, I gave no consideration to what I might do that would assist my body to develop strong, healthy bones and muscles. I chose a less than healthy diet. You know, the college diet: Hamburgers, Tacos and Coca Cola. I didn*t always properly warm up and prepare my muscles in advance of strenuous sports participation. I didn*t take proper care of injuries when they occurred. I was young and I felt I was invincible and I didn*t want to hear all this *old folks* stuff about what you should or might do to take good care of your body. So my choices and beliefs were very heavy determiners of my more adult body condition. I had a lot of responsibility for the conditions I was experiencing. Hmm? That was a revelation. Maybe there was something to this idea that I was responsible for my life and circumstance after all.

Okay, so suppose that was so. I sure as heck could not be responsible for the terrible shambles of my love life. Look at all the rotten things previous love partners had done to me. How could I possibly be responsible for those things? I took a look and I sure didn*t like what I saw.

First of all I chose partners that had traits that were glaringly incompatible with what I said I wanted in my life. But that should have been okay, because I was sure that I could and would change them. Are you smiling with me yet? We might just as well all throw our heads back and really have a good hard laugh because I know you can already see how faulty this thought process was. Change them indeed! That never works and even if you or I had the ability to do this, it is totally not our job and how dare we think we have the right to change another. Only you can change you. And it is the same for everyone. It is everyone*s sovereign right to change or not and make their own choices in their lives. It is truly none of our business.

Of course even this enlightening knowledge wasn*t enough to totally convince me. What about those nasty, cruel and mean things that others like co-workers or acquaintances had said and done to me? Surely I had no responsibility for that? That is actually true. What another does is not my responsibility. How I respond or react to what another does is my responsibility. Oh brother, doesn*t seem there is any escape from this. Shouldn*t I be able to blame them for their apparent bad behavior?

Now we enter into another concept that is truly one that separates the wheat from the chaff. Judgment. Yes, we may make observations as to what we see others presenting to us. Judgment is something that is destructive, unproductive and promotes very harmful and unloving qualities in ourselves. We truly have no capability to judge another. We do not know from what perspective of their world they are coming; we are not aware of all the experiences and circumstances that have formed their views of life. We do not know the pains and sorrows that they have experienced and all of the myriad things that have shaped who they are at this place in their lives. We truly don*t know very important information about them.

You may have noticed that when someone makes a judgment about you or your behavior how upset and even angry it may make you. You know that they don*t have all or enough information to understand the why*s of your own situation. Neither do you know enough about their situation. When someone*s behavior or words are accusatory, painful, or anger producing, stop for a minute before you respond or react to them. Ask yourself if there is any element of truth in it? Be very frankly honest. Then claim anything that is true in what is said. Admit that perhaps you didn*t do your best, or you didn*t make an informed decision, or you can see how they might misunderstand your intentions, but only if that is true. What ever you see as truth, claim it. The next thing is to not respond in anger. Try saying, *I*m sorry you feel that way. I understand where you are coming from.* Then don*t continue to discuss it. Arguing brings forth nothing of value and only produces hurt feelings and painful interactions. You can choose to be hurt and feel pain from such actions, but what good purpose does that serve? Love them and leave them alone. Walk calmly away without malice and without blame.

None can do anything to you that you do not give them the power to do. Stop giving your power over to others. It is yours to use in the beautiful and hopeful creation of your life, not to be given away to anyone else. It is part of taking responsibility for your life. Then you will also come to see that the good and wonderful things in your life are there because you created them. Thank yourself and be grateful for all that is good and right in your life. We have far more in our lives to be appreciative of and grateful for than we normally give any thought to at all. Begin to be grateful for the incredible abundance that you have in your life every day. It will bring you an amazing shift in your perception of all things.

There is another important element to judgment. We practice more judgment directed inwardly at ourselves than we find others directing toward us. Stop judging yourself. Learn to become extremely honest with yourself, but not judging yourself. Whatever you may see within that you don*t like or that you think is somehow less than perfect or less than you wish to be, CHANGE IT!

You and you alone have the power, clarity, and desire to change those things that you don*t like about yourself. In order to bring about such changes, you will need to do something that most never even consider. You need to make as clear and as honest an assessment of who it is you are as you are able to do.

I want to suggest to you now that you do a little homework. I want you to make two lists. They can be lists of one word for each item, or as many words as it may take to express the thought. The first list is everything you can think of about yourself that you consider to be a good or valuable quality or trait. At the end of this list, give some sincere and serious thought to describing who it is you think you are and write at least one paragraph that describes who it is you think you are. It can be short and concise or it can be as lengthy as you feel you need to give this description. Write only who it is that YOU think you are. It doesn*t matter who anyone else thinks you are.

On the second list, I want you to put down every trait or quality that you don*t care for about yourself. List things that you would like to change about yourself and the way you present yourself to the world. At the end of this list I would like you to give the same serious and sincere thought to describe who it is you would like to become. When you write this, it should be understood that you are not to take any qualification into account. That is, write it as if there is no barrier of time, education, money, or support that exists to keep you from this you that you wish to become. Again, it can be short and concise or as lengthy as you desire.

These are two of the most important exercises you will ever do in your life, so please take it to heart and really give it all the thought, time and effort that you need to give you the most complete picture you are able.

(Continued in Part II)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Example of Lists:

My good Qualities

Sense of humor

Down to earth
Educated Willing to help
Hard worker Playful
Nice appearance

Traits I would like to Change:

Self-consciousness Sometimes
Too introspective
Can be self-absorbed
Not good with money
Anger at myself
Want to control things
Don*t speak up
Others opinions matter too much
Hard on myself
Don*t always complete things
Getting my own way
I hate to be wrong
Trying to fix it
Tell others what they want to hear
Decision making stinks
Caring if others like me

And/or any or all other things that come to your mind that fit your understanding of who it is you are.

Sample Statement of *who I am*:

I am a funny, cheerful person who likes to laugh a lot. I am well educated and I like to be around other people, yet I also like to have my alone time. I can be very outgoing but I can also be withdrawn or introspective. I like to ponder things a lot, and I like to have deep discussions with others about topics of interest. Sometimes I can be very silly and playful, other times I am too serious and not wanting to look foolish. I tend to ignore things I don*t want to look at, at least until I have no other option. Sometimes I just jump right in there and take care of it right away, sometimes not. I think people either like me or they don*t particularly care one way or the other. I am not exactly a lightening rod of controversy. I don*t always stand my ground on things, especially when I don*t think it is such a big deal to make a fuss over. I let people take advantage of me, but I don*t think I take advantage of others. I don*t like my looks that much, but I am usually neat, clean and reasonably appropriately dressed. I try to be honest with everyone, but sometimes I leave some of the information out and let others draw their own conclusions, even if I know their conclusion is not the correct one. I am nowhere near as confident as I appear to be.

I am very loyal and devoted to my friends. I am a hard worker if it is required. I can be lazy if I don*t think something is pressing. I am quick to forgive others, but I am hard on myself. I expect perfection from me and it doesn*t seem like I ever get it. I like to please others and often offer to do more than I am able to really do well. I think others can always count on me in an emergency or when they are having a really rough time of it. I am a good listener, but I probably give too much advice. I am really great in an emergency because I become very calm and seem to be able to figure out what we should do until the emergency passes. I have a good heart and I always intend the best even when I screw up.

I*m a really good dancer and I am a fabulous cook. I like to give and attend dinner parties. I prefer associating mostly with people who have similar interests and backgrounds. I know quite a lot about quite a few subjects so I can usually mix very well with others. Sometimes I am struck down with shyness and if the other people I am around don*t draw me out or show that they are interested in talking to me, I can be very, very silent. I have lots of opinions about lots of things and I generally am pretty happy to tell others what my opinions are. I like to make my point about things and I like for others to at least acknowledge that they got my point or maybe are even interested in it. *

*This is all fiction, but it gives you some idea of how people describe themselves.

Sample of *Who I want to become* :

I would like to be the type of person others can rely on. I want others to respect me and I want to respect myself. I would like to finish college and become a really good artist and be able to make my living painting portraits and landscapes. A long time ago I was told I had some artistic talent, but I seem to have lost it and I would like to get it back.

I would like to be stronger with other people. I want to value myself enough that I make the choices I want for the things I really want to do and stop always running to do things for other people.

I want to be totally honest with everyone, but not in a hurtful way. I want to be able to control my temper and not let others push my buttons so often. I want a relationship with someone who truly loves me but is able to let me be who I am and not always trying to change me. I want my own time and space to do the things that please and nourish me, but I also want loving, intimate time with my partner or spouse. I want to be able to not be so deeply hurt by others remarks and hurtful actions. I want to have a *killer* body and wear nice clothes.

I would like to be able to not care what others think of me, because I am so secure in who I am. I really want to know who I am and be that person all of the time. *

Again, this is all fictitious, but it gives you some ideas about how these things might be expressed.


Now that you have done these exercises, you should have some insights into who you think you are and who you would like to become. Were you totally honest with yourself in regard to your good qualities? Were you honest about your less desirable qualities? If so, we can truly begin to change the things that aren*t working well for you and bring forth who it is you wish to be.

Now go back and review your lists. Change or reword anything you think you weren*t really honest about or add to it something else that may have come to mind. Are you beginning to know who you are now?

Look at the list of traits that you feel are your good qualities. Consider each one and think of how you might like to improve them and make them shine forth even more. You may hold this as a thought or you may make a new list as you consider each of these items. Pick specifically the ones that you feel you would really like to emphasize and make your *Star Qualities.* Three or four of what makes your heart sing, or as many as you think you would like to put extra focus on. Here you may also add those qualities you don*t think you have very much or any of but you wish you had. Remember there is no qualifier here. You do not need to take anything into consideration, not talent, time, age, looks, education, training, money or lack of money. .Nothing disqualifies you from these qualities you wish to add to your Star List. The world is your playground and there are no barriers here.

Let*s then take a look at your list of less desirable traits. How are these things hampering your success and joy in your life? Are some of these actually major blocks to your feelings of worth and accomplishment? Do some of these traits cause you problems in dealing with other people, your spouse, significant other, your friends, or your family?

I am passing out your Magic Wands now, and as you take yours in hand, I would like you to pick the traits that you think are the most detrimental to you and wave your Magic Wand over them. Say the magic words, *I am in control of creating who I am,* and see what happens. What? Nothing happened? Okay then, let*s take a different approach. Tear or cut a piece of paper into strips of about two inches high. On each strip of paper write again each one of the traits that you absolutely wish to change forever into a more positive quality of who you are becoming. After you are finished with your writing, I want you to draw one line through what you have written there and I want you to turn the strip of paper over and write the positive version of that trait you are now going to begin to incorporate into your life. Do not use the word *not* or any other negative expression of this statement. This is a positive statement. You may not express a positive statement by saying, * I am not going to do. . .* something. It is I AM, always.

For example:

*I am a tolerant and caring person.*

*I respect others rights to have their own opinions regardless of how vastly they may differ from mine. *

*I allow others to be who they are without the need to change them.*

*Others* opinions of me are none of my business.*

*I recognize my feelings of anger or irritation and transform them into a thoughtful recognition of the real underlying emotions they come from.*

*I am worthy of everything the Universe has to offer.*

*I take time to express my gratitude every day for all that I have.*

If you are having difficulty wording your statement in a very positive and uplifting way, I will be glad to help you with it. And if you are having difficulties with positive statements, as most of us have at some point, it is really pause for thought. It is an indicator of just how much negative influence we allow in our lives all of the time.

Fortunately, we are going to change that. And I am going to offer you some tools to help you change that. How much energy and intention you put into the use of the tools will very much determine how quickly the changes come about.

Any question and comments about what we have done so far?

Okay, so now you have a pile of strips of paper in front of you. On one side the less than desirable trait that has been lined out, and on the other side is written the new positive statement of the trait you are going to incorporate into who you are. This is the brand new you that you are creating. Pretty exciting isn*t it?

You also have a written statement of whom it is you wish to become. Is there anything there that you would like to change or add? Now is the time to do that and make it a truly bold statement of who you are becoming.

Now you have your amazing statement of whom you are becoming and a whole pile of strips of paper in front of you. Take out a long business sized envelope, fold the sheet of paper with your Star Quality Statement on so it will fit in the envelope, put it into the envelope along with all those strips of paper. That*s right get it all in there and then seal the envelope securely. Turn the envelope over so you can address it. Put your first name or any first name if you feel so powerless that you don*t wish to use your own in the upper left hand corner. Nothing else. Now write in the address area of the envelope this address to send it to:

The Universe
Fulfiller of All Desires
Beyond, Beyond 11111

I know you have all noticed the large bunch of helium filled brightly colored balloons I have up here at the front of the room. I want you to each come up and take one and then go to the table here in front and punch a hole in the end of the envelope so you can slip it on the string that the balloon is tied with. Once you have it on the string bring the string up and tie the envelope in place.

Here comes the fun part. We are going to go out to the parking lot, just outside this door here and we are going to send our balloons off into the Universe so that the Universe can send back to us exactly what we have asked for.

Since we are not in a face to face setting and you may or may not have a helium filled balloon handy, I would suggest that we go outside, find a clear and safe area and use an empty coffee can or a charcoal grill or some safe metal or stone area and put a match to your envelope. As you watch the flames burn and the smoke rise from the envelope imagine that your request to the universe is fully encompassed in the smoke that rises and carries your desires upward on the divine winds of change and transformation.

Once you have made your request, you only need to be aware of where your focus is. . .is it negative or is it positive? How can you change it from negative to positive? I don't want you to become burdened or obsessive about this, but be aware, change what you wish and do it without blaming or chastising yourself. Just make a correction and move on.

Here we go. . . !!!
(Continued in Part III ~ to be posted at a later date)

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