The New Day Has Dawned!
http://consciousco-Dawn of the Seventh Day
"...and God rested upon the seventh day from all His works." Genesis 2:2.
So here we stand (sit or sleep ; ) on 11:11, the next to last stargate portal of 2010, and at the entrance of the Galactic 7th Day…full of anticipation, excitement, bewilderment, and a childlike curiosity of what's to come.
Mixed in with those feelings, may be a hint of fear for the unknown and some tiny lingering doubts of our power, our capability, and maybe even some shreds of residual distrust in the unfolding of our new lives according to the divine plan...or maybe you are too tired to care about any of it.
Overall, we have become masters of navigating with our multidimensional senses and as a result, we are finally beginning to see, feel and taste the ripening fruits of our long-toiled labors as the many disparate parts of our once-separated selves fuse together for our next steps into unity consciousness...the next dimensional timeline of co-creation.
For those who are engaging in the new timeline (the new wave of energy that is lifting the planet and her people to a state of grace), you will have a front row seat at the show, so to speak. -Pleiadian High Council
The unseens are saying that the 7th day of the Mayan Calendar (which began on November 3 and lasts one year) holds tremendous potential for all of planet earth, but for those who have been consciously navigating the path as forerunners, I am told that this group specifically will be responsible for "unlocking the first of heaven's seven gates".
We have said countless times that you are those who have been engaged in the front line of service, and for that reason, you are also those who will walk first thru the gate and into the light of the new day with your heads held high. - PHC
They are regarding the 7th day as the pinnacle of development for the increasing vibration on earth that has been evolving and expanding since January 3, 1999. During all of the shifts and escalations of consciousness since that time period, and since we have been wiping the sleep from our eyes, it has become increasingly more obvious that we have been waiting for the 7th Day as the time when integrated co-creation is finally possible. This day, according to the Pleiadian High Council, is "a time of feminine and masculine balance and when those on the path of higher consciousness achieve the physical manifestations of their sacred intentions."
Diagnostic Testing
Throughout most of October, after we emerged on the other side of the 10/10/10 portal, we were launched into what the PHC referred to as our "diagnostic testing" period in preparation for the final gateway of this year on 12/12…how did you fare?
The overriding purpose of this testing period was to see how we handled the incredible frequencies of home for an extended period of time…those energies which are experienced as bliss, creativity, centeredness and non-polarized joy thru a purified body. This was a three week window by which we were able to notice how well we balanced the new energies in a grounded and spiritually responsible way (the focused co-creative blend of male/female energies)…and if we were capable of fully integrating this level of joy in our mental, emotional, and physical bodies.
At best, you may have been completely immersed in a 3-week (fast moving & nearly symptom free) virtual reality of your new life …with extended periods of what my sister Kim coined as…"ascension amnesia". These are those periods of alignment when you are so immersed in the new energies that you COMPLETELY forget about the last 10 years of brutality. Its like the memory of suffering has just been erased from our hard drive. Thank GOD-DESS for that upgraded feature.
At the least, you may have experienced some random "bliss-bunnies", moments of "all is well", waves of creativity trying to push thru the dense goo, and a sudden, tho not constant, appreciation for your life just as it is…intermingled with the ups and downs of the process and the usual clearing symptoms.
Or maybe an amalgamation of both...
For me, these energies manifested as an INTENSE three weeks of grounded vitality and productivity focused on completing old business and aligning more of my external reality with the visions and intentions of my new life. It felt very unusual for me because as a cosmic correspondent, I usually need to keep my head stationed in the clouds and my feet securely fastened on the earth...but for those 3 weeks, I had no interest in anything off-world.
It almost felt like I was gifted with a final blast of the physical fuel and clarity required to deal with some very practical stuff…like back taxes (eeks)…and just in the nick of time because we are very obviously being completely squeezed out of our old lives. I literally managed to accomplish more in those three weeks than I have in the last 5 earth years…tho honestly (and secretly) while waiting for that other shoe to drop : (( …and it definitely did, but those three weeks were well worth it : ))
Eventually tho, every week will be like those three…imagine what we will be able to accomplish!
New Teachers, Leaders & Visionaries
The current state of the masses is still largely one of fear, limitation, and separation from our true limitless source of creative potential and abundance. During the 7th day, those who feel called to active service by way of new earth leadership (world teachers, leaders in all sects of society, guides, visionaries, etc) will be afforded the opportunity to step further into the limelight, into a position of greater global influence to expose the truth of creation, of human limitlessness, on a grander scale.
This group of pioneering souls will soon be operating from a much larger platform, and from this period forward, the next wave of leaders (Indigo-Crystals) who are called to service will be magnetically drawn to your works, visions and new earth creations in a way that will inspire, uplift and assist in determining the path of each and every individual who strives to achieve full-human potential for the planetary ascension.
(NOTE: The Pleiadians are careful to say that those who are publicly positioned as the living examples of truth will not be bombarded, or overcome with burden and responsibility... but that you will suddenly become desirous of a more public persona if this is your role. They mention this as reassurance that if you are currently feeling overwhelmed with biological purification/physical integration symptoms, and the thought of this is daunting, that this next step will align perfectly with radiant health and vitality.)
I am also hearing that what will happen within the remaining weeks of this year (and with the support of Venus/Jupiter turning direct on 11/18) will be quite miraculous…some (with more public roles) will be catapulted to positions of influence nearly overnight, and many more will be blindsided by new opportunities that will seemingly arise out of thin air. For those who are well aware of your next moves, you too will have some unplanned surprises.
There will be moments of awe as we meet up with more new/old members of our soul families (these relationships/connections will come in MANY forms)…our brothers and sisters of divine heritage who have come forth to work together with us, so that we may support each other in implementing our new-earth endeavors.
The PHC say that "this is a very exciting time by which those who are positioned as new earth leaders in many different fields will finally have the leverage, support, connectivity, technology and influence to attract the focus of the masses (think social media), just as those who are false leaders will continue to be wildly exposed for their true intentions."
Never in our played-out patriarchal his-tory has there been a more ripe potential for massive planetary change... and each of us have been witnessing the fall out of an outworn system while simultaneously laboring to birth a new system of true sustainability since 1999. Due, in part, to our many selfless years of clearing work, world dominance from the western (masculine) hemisphere of the global brain is rapidly drawing to a close to make way for a whole new context in our world systems...(government, industry, economy, etc.)…one that is based in transparency, integrity and the needs of the people. Imagine that.
Sacred Counterparts
For those sole sojourners out there…making this heinous trek alone...this just in:
"Furthermore, we would like to remind those longing for their soul companions to rest assured that the love brought forth by the community of light thru the merging of sacred feminine and masculine energies will ensure the reuniting of your counterparts. In many situations, you already know these souls well, however in differing relationships. Take note of sudden changes in your feelings and associations with those already known to you. Together, you will co-create, and in some cases, pro-create, in divine union, harmony and enlightened love." -PHC
Sweeping the Floors
There is no doubt left that there is an overwhelming sense of completion in the air…the wrapping up of many internal & external affairs that will continue to take precedence as the month moves on. These events are precipitated by universal endings/beginnings and are required for us to move forward...past the mis-creations of our once separated consciousness.
As we continue to finalize the past we have also been simultaneously creating in the new energies. While we traverse this overlap period, it has been quite a balancing act of going back and forth between worlds…finishing up the past and immersing ourselves more and more into our newly created futures.
It's kind of like that crazy period between a new and old residence. The universe has given us the keys to our new place so we can move our furniture and boxes and get a feel for what it will be like to live there... and our landlord has been kind enuf to give us an extra weekend to move everything out of our old apartment. We are not fully in our new home, but not fully in the old either…but really, all we have left to do is sweep the floors and discard the last remnants of what we choose not to take with us to our new lives.
In many cases, this in between space may mean finishing up outworn relationships/wrapping up a divorce, finalizing outstanding financial/legal matters, terminating old businesses/biz partnerships, careers, actual relocations, etc., while simultaneously starting new relationships/friendships/
It's a busy time, and we need to keep both worlds in balance while we continue to make the complete transition. In this final hour, and as a gift for our futures, those things that are in need of resolution are still front and center, requiring our attention so that we can seal off those old energies…for good.
This is tricky right now because we are undergoing a very physical integration period from the vibrational bump up to the 7th day and the 11/11 frequencies...which can make it difficult to even get out of bed..but come the middle-end of the month, we will begin moving forward again into the new territory with greater mental expansion and fuller integration of our spiritual-human selves.
If you've done the work to unbridle yourself from old obligatory energies, then come the 12/12 portal of completion, there will be nothing left to hinder you, bring you back to the old, or block you from experiencing the full effect of the inspirational-based energies.
Dare we say that this Christmas may gift us with the best present possible?
Physical Happenings
OMG, yes, we are still undergoing massive biological reconstruction as enormous changes continue to take place in our physical bodies...even our cells are no longer able to operate as they used to. As always, this process can cause great challenges and make it very difficult (read: impossible) to stay in our center. It's not that these increasing frequencies are going to let up per say, but that our bodies are becoming more capable to integrate them…tho you'd never convince me of that.
One of the reasons for the often unbearable aches and pains is because we are entering the realm of galactic consciousness...a state of telepathic union with our star brothers and sisters and those of the higher dimensions. To work closely with these energies and beings requires that we are purified on every level which ultimately results in our cells' ability to hold more light, to mutate and self-heal from a genetic level. OUCH.
For the last few months, and in addition to the smorgasbord of the usual symptoms, there has been an unrelenting concentration of intensified aches and pains that seem to be "centering" around the spine.
This is nothing to fear, in fact, it is something to celebrate since our vital life force (Kundalini) is working feverishly to burn off all remaining layers of discord in preparation for the completion of our sacred union with the divine. (The positive and negative charges of kundalini energy move through the chakras and around the spine to the head (pineal/pituitary) where cosmic consciousness occurs as a result of the merging of the two opposing energy streams...the sacred marriage, where the divine feminine & masculine become one.) So think of this pain as the ultimate wedding gift : ))
Integration Technique
For the battle worn, and those who are finding it particularly difficult to integrate these energies on a physical level, the Pleiadians recommend a balancing technique that will assist in grounding these high frequencies with greater ease.
The pushing and pulling force of our mental meddling can slow down the healing process and block the flow which causes these energies to get stuck or lodged in our cells. They say that we can greatly decrease the discomfort by surrendering/accepting the process and getting out of our own way...to let the energies "do their thang", without resistance or attachment. (yes, they make it sound so easy)
They say this simple technique (used regularly) will help to maintain equilibrium in our cells:
- First, get comfortable…you can sit or lay down, whichever suits you. Take a deep cleansing breath in and exhale slowly.
- Next, envision a (coaxial : ) cord of light descending down into the top of your head, thru your spine and plugged into the earths core.
- Once this cord firmly anchored and running thru the center of your physical being, release yourself from your physical body and observe it objectively. (this part of the technique allows you to remove your perception of the energy which enables it to flow without resistance, increasing the rate of physical integration and lessening the discomfort of it)
- Try to see yourself downloading these high vibrational frequencies through this cord of light that anchors you into physical reality (if you have a hard time seeing yourself, put yourself in a funny costume : ))
NOTE: You can also open up and direct the flow of energy in those areas that are causing you most discomfort. (These areas of discomfort are those that are still holding some 3d dimensional debris in need of transmutation)
- After a few minutes you should begin to feel some relief in your body, if not, keep at it until you notice a significant change, even if it is just your state of mind that shifts. When you do, jump back in that (inflated) flesh suit, take a deep breath, and come back to...reality?
By removing ourselves from the process, we are enabling a smoother transition as the energies to work to resolve emotional issues and heal our cellular tissues without mental interference. The pushing and pulling of energy that happens when we are mentally involved in the healing process slows down the rate of transmutation a great deal so
engaging in this visualization a few times a day (to keep the energies moving) is more efficient than engaging in it only when discomfort arises.This clearing technique should be viewed more as energetic hygiene, a way to keep the body continually clear of discordance and mental resistance to the process.
If this technique alone does not bring you enuf relief, one or all three of these should do the trick:
- light stretching or a walk (in nature if possible) to assist detoxification
- yoga to stimulate endocrine system and balance hormones (the endocrine system consists of our thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, adrenal, pineal, and reproductive glands)
- or an Epsom salt/clay bath to assist in detox and soak the pain out of muscles
Bottom line: our bodies really need our love right now.
Separation of Worlds
As we enter this new cycle of transformation (the 7th day), we are literally pioneering a period in which an enhanced human species will give birth to itself. In may ways, the road splits here and those who are ready to move forward into a new earth will come together in community and shared resources to bathe in the light of higher-dimensional dwelling and the co-creation of a new paradigm. These souls will be the living examples of "what's next" on our human-galactic evolutionary journey.
Those who have not yet completed the vibrational work to unlock the galactic codes required to access this new domain are not going away or leaving our lives per say…they are simply being given another opportunity, through karmic cycling, to move forward and choose a higher path. Keep in mind that this is not a linear process (as in first/last), and we are not waiting for others to "catch up," so to speak.
In many cases, those souls seemingly "behind" were actually holding down the forts, waiting for us…to go first. Some of these characters in our lives were merely playing the part of antagonist, anchor or support system for us to blindly make this journey…alone.
As a result, it may become obvious how some friends, family, coworkers, etc. may be suddenly finding themselves back at the beginning of their journey again…like a 1 step forward, 2 steps back scenario...not quite landing where they thought they would or intended to.
This is all part of the perfect timing in the "game" we are playing and nothing to be bummed out about. Truthfully, if I had to do this all again, I would definitely go next to last ; )) Besides, with the compression of time, the next turn on the collective karmic wheel will be equivalent to 5 minutes in earth time ; ))
In other words we are all exactly where we should be.
Catch you on the flip side,
Lauren Cargo