Matters of Spirit

Spiritual and Esoteric writings in the manner of Light Workers. A sharing of spiritual and self empowerment concepts and philosophies. "My purpose is to endlessly encourage you to do and become whatever makes your heart sing." ~ Shirl

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Location: Blackfoot, Idaho, United States

I live in rural Idaho with my dear soul family, Kebbie, Layne and Gabe.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


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That's the perspective I've been wandering through for a space of time of late.

There is some commonly accepted thought that many if not most are very resistant to change. It is an interesting concept, as it suggests that one is or might be resistant to growth. I wonder sometimes why any would be resistant to growth and expansion.

As short and comparatively small a word as "change" is, it is ultimately powerful. It comes to us in many guises and many differing proportions.

Change can as easily tip-toe in quietly, even unnoticed for a time just as it can come roaring in on a Tsunami strength of overwhelming capacity. It comes to each of us in all the differing ways it is capable of and we either pay attention to it or we choose to ignore it.

I had a thought to compare my reaction to something today to something just a few short weeks or months ago that was very similar in appearance. It was quite stunning for me to recognize the vastness in the difference of my reactions. Very telling it was and very encouraging as well.

It is my perception that everything we do here in this lifetime is about change, is about reaching to become something more than we perceive we are. Perhaps more importantly, about changing our perceptions about the experiences of our lives and how we choose to let them affect us. Where we "stand" at any given moment always colors and affects our view of everything. We can choose to stand at the curbside and forever view things from there, or we can follow a path that leads us to an ever higher, bigger perspective. It is truly our choice of where and how we wish to look at things. And it is never too late to choose.

For me, change has been the most welcome and exciting part of my life. Oh, and it is certain that some of the changes I chose did not feel so good to me at the time, but every time I reached a "higher viewpoint" it has become clearly obvious how much such experiences helped me grow and move forward. I cannot imagine wanting to choose a life that does not bring forth growth and expansion. I cannot imagine a life without consciously seeking change. It is how I learned to love and above all else, I cannot imagine a life without LOVE.

How is it with you these days?

May it be blessed and love-filled and ringing with laughter!



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