Matters of Spirit

Spiritual and Esoteric writings in the manner of Light Workers. A sharing of spiritual and self empowerment concepts and philosophies. "My purpose is to endlessly encourage you to do and become whatever makes your heart sing." ~ Shirl

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Location: Blackfoot, Idaho, United States

I live in rural Idaho with my dear soul family, Kebbie, Layne and Gabe.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Quado Daily Portion

“You are perfect exactly as you are”

Today, I wish for you to treat yourself like the treasure you are. Yes, like the unique and wonderful woman who has graced the earth with her presence, like the unique and loving man who has blessed us all by simply being here among us, lending his energy. You, just as you are, are a great treasure indeed.

What possible benefit can there be in thinking otherwise? Even if there are things about yourself which you wish to improve, even if you wish to move forward in certain areas, that does not make your perfection right now any less. For you are perfect. Exactly as you are.

Everything which has come before has led to this moment, right now. Every so-called mistake you have made, every decision, whether it later seemed right nor wrong, everything you have done or left undone, has led to this moment, right now. And right now could not be more perfect. This moment is the culmination of all of the moments which have been lived to date. Everything everyone has ever been and done in this world has led to now, right now, and you are standing within this moment full of power and beingness.

Go deeply into the moment. See it. Hear it and feel it. Smell it and taste it. Embrace it completely, every bit of it. Know it deeply and connect within it. All of the power is within, deep within, and you are allowed access.

This is a meditation itself, this moment of being in touch, this second of heaven inside the passing minute. Come down. Join me here. Revel in being who you are, right here, right now.

Here is a little prayer for today

Today, I am. I love and approve of myself exactly as I am.

I live deeply within each moment as it passes, embracing it with oneness and connection.

I am love. I am peace. I am one with all that is, right now. I am.

I wish that you may know what a treasure you truly are.

Love & peace,


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