
Steve Rother
Teach Your Children
The concepts of beauty that you have held are what you have been quietly teaching your children. Your schools, and other social interactions have all been about fitting in and being liked—being similar—for that is where you can measure and how you can see and encourage their growth. The cycle of light thus far has been to teach how to be alike first as children, and then teach how to be separate as adults. Generally it is not until a person is about to leave school that they begin to realize that it is their uniqueness that holds their true _expression of beauty. Many do not ever find that truth. As a result, many children enter the real world with a rude awakening being unprepared in their youth to stand in their own light. The children of the New Earth need more _expression of their unique beauty to be able to flourish. They are entering with more light in their beings than has ever been held in human form before. That is the reason that so many children are being diagnosed with ‘disorders’ and why so many specialized schools are opening. These children need more _expression of their uniqueness in the early stages of development. Once they have a firm grasp on their unique beauty, then, they can more effectively blend together as adults without fear. They now need the _expression of unique beauty. They now need to know how to find value in the ways that they are different first, and of course the best way to teach anything is by example. That will make a huge difference on your planet in the years to come. In the days ahead, your expressions of unique beauty will become more important than ever before.
It is beginning today, for you have reached levels that are starting to change many of the circumstances around you. There are changes going on in your daily lives that will now open doors for you to see unique beauty. That is why we have waited to so clearly speak of it for now you can see not only beauty in each other, but beauty in yourself. The truth is that if you cannot find your own beauty, you have a blurred vision of all beauty. Then when you see beauty elsewhere you can be threatened, scared, insecure or fearful, which then makes you want to see the differences in each other rather than find the ways your beauty is alike. The truth is that you are all expressions of God and all come from the same source. Honor that reflection in yourself first then you can recognize it all around you.
Entering the Age of E
You are creators and you have evolved through eons of time in order to reach the levels that you have now reached. You have gone through eons of time to allow yourself to be here right now, which is wonderful. God bless you. You are the creators and if you take that lesson which emanates from the inward outward, then you know your own creative abilities and you believe in who you are. We tell you that you are unique in your nature. You are unique in your beauty. You have a right to your unique _expression of God and your unique beauty. You not only have a right to hold that foremost in your being and in your daily experience, but you have a responsibility to do so for that is what you came here to do. We stand in wonderment and awe to watch not only as you create the Game in front of you, but now as you take it to the next level.
Planet Earth has had many exit points. There are many Phantom Deaths that you have gone through in order to get to this point. There are many times when you could have ended the Game altogether but you did not. Here you are, asking one another, “What can I do now? What can I do next?” The Cycle of Light is now turning so take that light, take that responsibility to emanate that light and to be the precursor of love. Much the way that you plant the seed and you hold it in your hand and say, “This is going to be a beautiful flower.” But it does not work unless you plant it in fertile ground, and you put water upon it, and shine light upon it. Those are the things that transmute into the love energy that allow that beautiful flower to express its divine _expression of unique beauty. You are the light. Embrace the unique blend of beauty and light that you are. Allow everyone to see it freely, for that is your next stage as creators. That is what you have set into motion and this day forward is a unique time for you to do that intentionally. Every question that you ask of the Universe is answered with very few words…and so it is. Now that you know the answer, perhaps you would like to re-formulate the question?
You have entered the Age of E. The Age of Empowerment is upon you. Now you hold the pen in front of you. What are you going to write? What are you going to do today that expresses that unique beauty in yourself and allows others to discover their own unique beauty? We cannot wait to see what you have envisioned for your future, for your reality will come from your perception of it. Enjoy the ride and know that we are here waiting, applauding your step, encouraging you on. For the angels in heaven only have one purpose: to spread our wings to reflect the magnificence of humans and to reflect your unique beauty.
With that, we will take some questions.
Question: Responsibility and personal responsibility. What if ’responsibility’ is a scary word for some people?
Answer: Yes it is scary, for responsibility is the precursor to true power and power is scary to humans. We find it very interesting that people have traditionally gone to seers and visionaries to get answers and sometimes they do so because they are afraid of taking responsibility for finding the answer within. We are not here to give you answers. It is our greatest desire that perhaps you will walk out of this room with more questions than you have answers, for that is empowering. You hold the knowing deep inside. If we can awaken that part of you, we have done our job and that is where responsibility comes in. We tell you that there are many opportunities for you to re-member your responsibility. Your responsibility is first, to self. The greatest responsibility you have is your own happiness. No one can take that for you. No one can do anything in that area for the moment you try to lean upon another person in order to get that responsibility, you push them aside and both of you lose balance. Many relationships in the past have been built on what we call leaning relationships, where a person believes themselves to be only half a person so they look for another half of a person to have a relationship with. The challenge about leaning relationships is that the moment one begins to move and grow, the other one falls. When two people can walk side by side, not leaning on each other, but simply sharing their life together, it becomes magical. That is responsibility for your own energy. It is your responsibility to be here and to be the best light and the best _expression of your divine unique beauty that you can be.
Who are you responsible for? Who are you responsible to? Well, it can be said that you are part of the whole. In fact, there is no division between you and the person sitting next to you. You are a part of each other. Since you live with the illusion of separation and you believe that you are only one person and the person sitting next to you is someone else, we will tell you a story about that. There came a time in the evolution of humankind where you had an exit point for the game of free choice. Everything could have ended at that point and had been very successful had it have done so. Instead, you chose to step from the first wave of empowerment from ‘follow the leader’ into the second wave of empowerment about ‘following yourself.’ At that point, things changed. You needed to re-define and re-script the rules. You started evaluating your own circumstances around you. Everything in your lives had to have new meaning at that point. On the other side of the veil, there was a huge commotion, for all of the beings that had ever been came and stood in a great line with the anticipation of entering the Game. Everybody said, ”It looks like Earth may actually go to the next level. I want to go in and be part of the shift.” It was then that a long line of souls formed to come into Planet Earth through a relatively few births. It very quickly became obvious that there were many more souls that wanted to come into Earth than there were opportunities for souls to enter. At that point a very interesting thing happened, for on the other side of the veil we are not separate from one another. The first person in line turned around and looked at the person behind them and said, “You know, you have a better chance of making a difference than I do. With your setups and your past lives, and the information that you carry, you can actually make more of a difference than I can. Why do you not come to the front of the line and I will step behind you?” And a huge re-shuffling of this grand line took place for there is no competition on the other side of the veil. You are all part of each other. One to another each person stood in line with their unique beauty on full display so that all of the very best divine expressions of God could enter the world.
And so it happened that all of the highest of the highest and the best of the best came to the front of the line. And here you are. You made it. Now, who do you owe responsibility to? We suggest that if you have difficulty being responsible for your own happiness then you might consider being responsible to all those souls that stepped aside so that you could be here. All those parts of yourself that moved aside so that you could be on this Earth right now. They are looking over your shoulder every moment. As you look into the mirror and say, “What am I doing here? Am I making a difference? Am I just all alone?” You need to know that there is a grand cheering squad on the other side of the veil and every one of those beings that stepped aside so that you can be here is cheering you on and actually quite proud of you. That is where your responsibility lies. And we thank you for asking the question. And it is a scary word.
Question: I just recently left the kids and came here. What is going to happen to them?
Answer: Your children will be fine and they will always be your children. They are on their own path and they must find their own way. They are learning to take their own responsibility. Many times you try so hard to help. You try so hard to give your children and those you love more than what you had when you grew up. Sometimes you try so hard you get in the way. When they are on the other side of the veil they are scripting these things and say, “It looks like we have an opportunity to run right into a brick wall. Maybe if I do this, I can learn what I have been trying to learn the past 12 lifetimes.” Just before they hit the wall, someone steps in front of them and says, “You are about to hit a wall, and I love you so I wont let you do that.” Sometimes it is best to stand back and lovingly watch and to know that your responsibility to your children is to always be there for them as they learn to take their own power. Love them and offer them unconditional support. Sometimes that will mean that you love them enough to step back and let them hit the wall and to let them have their experiences. They are your children. You will not lose them and there is a reunion ahead.
Question: Greetings. I stand on the edge of a cliff. I think I stepped off and I am tumbling down. It is a new cycle, a new beginning, a new initiation. As I am tumbling down I am wondering what I am going to meet when I hit the bottom, what trail I am going to take and what reality am I going to create? It is very hard not to feel fear. I seem to be going in cycles. I feel like I have been here before. It looks familiar, but it’s not. I kind of evolved. I think I was an egg, and then a larvae, and I don’t know if I’m a butterfly yet, but I’m changing. I have a lack of confidence even though I’ve been through the cycle so many times. About where I’m going—I know I’m going somewhere, I’m just concerned about creation. What I create and how I connect with my brothers and sisters in this community. Can you help me?
Answer: Understand first that having stepped off the cliff is a creation in itself—and a grand creation itself. Even though you feel yourself tumbling down, your next creation, as you have spoken, is to hit the bottom. We do not think that is necessary for you are creating a new bridge beneath your feet at this very moment. If you wish to feel that, you will very shortly in your daily life for it is not necessary to fall to the bottom. It is simply there to help scare you. Do you not love that human concept? You have mentioned the four-letter word, fear, that scares so many humans, but please understand that it is only possible to be afraid of something that is unknown. Once you know the worst that can happen, it takes away some of the fear. So place yourself, if you dare, at the bottom. See yourself picking yourself up and dusting yourself off after that wonderful fall, and understand that at a later time, you will be recounting that experience and telling people how scared you were and it will make a grand story. The reality is that you could not fall if you tried. You are simply being re-positioned. You have asked for it. It is happening. It is not possible to tell you exactly where it is going for you have not written all the details of the final movements. It is possible to tell you that you are on the right path and yes, it will be scary. We hope you enjoy the ride. Thank you for asking.
Question: You mentioned earlier the choice that somebody has to make about maybe letting somebody run into the brick wall without stepping in. How on Earth do you tell in the moment? What guidance is there for us?
Answer: The easiest way we can tell you is that you are a defined energy field within yourself. Many of you come in without those boundaries, without the understanding that this is your energy field and therefore, you pick up everybody else’s energy all the time. It is the mark of the healer and quite often contained within one of the Twelve Primary Life Lessons called Definition. There are no boundaries in place whatsoever. The person who walks into a restaurant, sits down at a table, and finds themselves getting angry not possibly knowing that there was an argument at that table before they got there. You walked into the crowd and brought it on yourself. Where does that lie? First responsibility is within your energy field. To place yourself, to feed yourself. To help yourself find your happiness. Then you can objectively look at the other fields around you and rather than taking them on as your responsibility you can offer objectivity like saying “I see that you are heading toward a dead end rather quickly. Do you know there is a brick wall there? Okay.” I will honor your choice and let you experience.” That is not only your duty, but their right. Many times it is very difficult to watch for many times it seems that people sometimes make a life purpose out of running into brick walls. It is very difficult to do and yet, if you love them enough, you will let them experience that on their own and help them assimilate what they experienced and pick up the pieces lovingly, yet not take responsibility for it.
So the question is, how do you know? We cannot give you a definitive answer. We can tell you that if it is draining your energy greatly, you are over-invested in the other person’s energy. Your energy field needs to be intact, completely and fulfilled, for only then can you be energy role models for the people you love. Only then can you give them an idea of what it is like to place self first. We thank you for the question.
Question: I have a question about climate changes. They are a fact of life. They happen. I guess my expectation is that climates would change in one direction. A place that is wet would become dry, a place that was cold would become warm, but it seems like they go back and forth and there is a lot of chaos. Can you speak to that?
Answer: Currently on Planet Earth you are having changes within your water temperatures. They are very minute but affecting great changes on Planet Earth. It is no secret. We have spoken already about the water rising on Planet Earth. It will happen. It is simply a matter of how much it will happen and that is determined by you. That is determined by your expectations, your connection to the planet and what you need to raise the next vibrational level of Planet Earth to support your higher vibration. It is an evolutionary stage, not a catastrophe. There are adjustments going on having to do with that. The moment any change is experienced, you will see wide fluctuations—not a gentle movement toward hotter or colder—but rather wide fluctuations. It is no secret to tell you that you have many more hurricanes ahead and big ones at that. (Two days after this channel Hurricane Katrina hit the United States) You know there is a cycle. We will tell you something else for many of these signals have been created for the energy of the Earth to start changing. As She raises the temperature of Her water, of the Earth itself, the Earth begins to vibrate at a higher rate. When something heats up, it vibrates faster. So even though these are very minute changes at this point, they are making big changes in the weather patterns on Earth and will continue to do so. It will not be a gradual movement; it will be a swing back and forth.
Hopefully about the time you wonder if something is really drastic, it will settle off for a little bit and let you find your comfort zone before it starts moving again. That is how She moves. That is how She changes and She is doing very well with Her connections to you, to help you support your needs on Planet Earth. You will see more drastic changes. Currently, with your understanding of geology and your history of Earth, we tell you, you are heading for another ice age. Oh yes. That raises all kinds of fears. It is not for many hundreds of years, but that is what is happening and as that movement goes forward, you will see minute changes starting to happen to create these changes that seem to be differences. This ice age will be preceded by a warming of Earth as she raises her vibrations and by weather pattern changes. Your fears about this are based on your belief that you can not live in an ice age but we ask you to re-member that you are evolving also. Adaptation is a human attribute that has gotten you past many of these shifts and it will do so again.
One of the changes that will be happening in the very near future is the change in the Crystal Energy coming into the Earth. The Crystal Energy coming into the Earth has been happening for over five years. You know that is what you call solar flares. The coronal mass ejections coming off the sun have been bringing in and storing Crystal Energy into the Earth which is helping Her to evolve—helping her to help you evolve and to create a space for that to happen. We tell you as we have told you in the beginning 5 years ago, that those will subside back to a normal rate in the year 2006. That is one of the next connections that you have coming. In the year 2006 it will happen. When that happens, some of your weather pattern changes will subside for a time for currently there is approximately a 3.5 month lag between the time the energy comes into the Earth and the effects are felt. You can see this in some of your history items, some of the things that have happened on your Earth whether you call them good or bad, some of them are direct effects of the coronal mass ejections sending the Crystal Energy to Earth. It has been stored in the tectonic plates and is coming up as you need it. That charging of the battery is almost done and will end somewhere in the year 2006 it will bring the coronal mass ejections back to a normal rate. In the meantime, the scientists are quietly wondering if the sun is about to end because so much energy has exploded from her that they cannot quite figure out where it came from in the first place or how many more of these can happen. We tell you, the sun is not what you think it is for no one has seen the backside of the sun or will you ever see the backside of the sun for it is not a planet that you believe it to be. It is a portal of energy. It is an opening between dimensional realities, not a hot burning ball of gas. It is a portal of Light.
As you understand some of these things, you will start to comprehend that there are natural changes underway. We cannot wait to see where you take it from here for as you adapt that to your own needs, as you adapt that to your _expression of your unique beauty, everything changes. We tell you there are wonderful times ahead. You are creating the opportunities even through the Earth to make massive changes in your reality and in the Earth Herself. Do not concern yourself with what we have spoken as the coming ice age. Instead of the focusing on destination, look to the journey and enjoy the ride.
Dear ones, we are honored to be here in your presence. We are honored to be with you in the small ways that we can to reflect your unique beauty so for just a moment you can see who you really are. It is not possible for us to pull the veil completely aside for if we did, you would all go Home. You would all say, “Why are we doing this?” And you would re-turn to the magnificence of Home. Instead, you are sitting there playing the Game, looking around, trying to figure out what it is all about, but in that search, you are bringing Home to Earth. You are creating heaven in your daily lives and that is where the magic is. We applaud you with all the wings in heaven for the wonderful job you are doing.
Know that it is simply a joy to watch you and we leave you with three simple reminders. As you play this Game, treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity for when you nurture someone else, you are nurturing yourself. Play well together.
the Group
Copyright 2005. Steve Rother. This information is meant to circulate and may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part, provided that this notice is included. This material may be used with the condition that all rights, including copyrights of translated material, remain with the original copyright holder. Further information from the Group may be found at: http://www.Lightworker.com or through Lightworker at (702) 871 3317.
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